Pre-Madonna - And in breaking news another child saved from her clutches.
After trying to save the children of Malawi one by one, Madonna has to now come home due to falling off a treadmill and twisting her ankle. Quite coincidentially at the same time as she is allowed, though not required, to attend the final court hearing on her adoption of a local child. I would imagine she is gutted leaving the country...
And JUST IN! Her attempt to adopt the child has FAILED!! She might appeal the decision but it does come to quite a shock for everyone!
Kylie Min-Vogue
To keep her 'young' looks the 40 year old Australian singer has admitted to using Botox, but then goes on to describe it as 'posion' - "Bo-toxic" if you will.
The Fallen Horne
Gavin & Stacey star Mathew Horne has been rushed to hospital after collapsing on stage during the play Entertaining Mr Sloane. What with losing his wallet this week, his TV series getting slated and his film 'Lesbian Vampire Killers' even more so - the star might be fading away.
He's all hype anyway.
Jamie Oliver Cooks Up Another One
Jamie and Jules Oliver have just had their third child! The baby girl has yet to be named and the couple are 'delighted'.
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