Police say the fight between dentist David W. Wielechowski, 32, and his bride, Christa Vattimo, 25, began as the couple were about to enter their seventh-floor room at the Holiday Inn in Ross Township, just north of Pittsburgh, on Saturday night.
The dentist 'used a karate-style kick with his leg to kick Christa, knocking her to the floor,' the criminal complaint said.
Two guests of another wedding heard the bride's screams and rushed over to help her. But when they restrained Wielechowski, his bride began attacking her rescuers, police said.
The fight traveled from a hallway to an elevator then into the hotel lobby where, police said, the couple threw metal plant pots - with the plants still in them - into an elevator at the men who tried to break up the fight.
'It was pretty wild,' Ross police Sgt. Dave Syska said.
Police arrived to find the dentist lying on the floor of the lobby and his bride 'yelling loudly' and 'apparently highly intoxicated.'
Both bride and groom were charged with simple assault, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct. The bride was also charged with public intoxication.
She asked a district judge not to require her husband to stay away from her while the charges were pending.
Both refused comment when they left Allegheny County arraignment court Sunday after spending the night in separate holding cells.
The bride, still wearing her wedding gown, was picked up by her father. The dentist left on his own, one eye swollen shut, wearing tuxedo pants, a bloody T-shirt and one shoe.
The couple face a preliminary hearing May 7. The couple had been married in the Bahamas last month, but repeated their vows Saturday before a reception for 150 guests.
Ecuador could make good sex a right for women

A new inalienable right could be enshrined soon in Ecuador's constitution: the pursuit of sexual happiness for women.
The proposal by a member of the ruling party has created a stir in this socially conservative Andean nation, where a constitutional assembly is at work.
Assembly member Maria Soledad Vela, who belongs to President Rafael Correa's party and sits on a committee defining fundamental constitutional rights, said women have traditionally been seen as sexual objects or in a solely reproductive role in Ecuador.
On Monday, Vela said the right to sexual enjoyment means ensuring women can make free, responsible and informed decisions about their sex lives.
Fellow committee members proposed separate provisions for women's sexual and reproductive rights, an alternative Vela approved.
Opposition Assembly member Leonardo Viteri accused Vela of trying to decree orgasm by law, saying it 'isn't possible.'
'I never asked for the right to orgasm, only the right to enjoyment,' Vela responded.
In other news…
* Keeley Hazell releases her debut single ‘Voyeur’ on Friday. The song is written by the team behind bits by Kylie Minogue, Pussycat Dolls, and Holly Valance. And there’s a bit of a raunchy video to accompany it…
* KATE MOSS and JAMIE HINCE have booked out a former power station in Wapping for their wedding party in September. The loved-up couple will be inviting friends and family to the restaurant and gallery on September 6.
* Actress-turned-singer Scarlett Johansson is spotted canoodling with writer Salman Rushdie in the video for her new song. Johansson is filmed wearing glasses and smiling widely into the camera as Rushdie tells her a joke and nuzzles her neck in the video for her new single Falling Down. Falling Down is taken from the album Anywhere I Lay My Head, which is made up of Tom Waits covers.
* The Spice Girls have turned down the chance to perform at the Mandela birthday party gig – preferring to congratulate the big man himself personally. They’ve all ‘got a lot on’ is the official excuse.
* And just because a daily blog is incomplete without at least one mention of Winehouse…she’s planning to tour the US this summer despite her current life crisis issues. She’s also reported to be planning to start her own record label as her deal with Island records is set to end after her next record.
A cheeky glimpse at Keeley...