Thousands of people are joining forces on the popular social networking site to promote the use of the deadly class A drug.
There are more than 500 dedicated groups, some with more than 600 members. They discuss how much they fork out for a gram and the amount they are able to consume in a 'single binge'.
One member boasted, 'I have four lines of cocaine before work', and a youngster even asked to have drugs sent to him so he could 'get through' his school day.
Celebrity drug users such as Pete Doherty are regularly praised.
Last night, anti-drugs campaigners demanded the groups be shut down – stating they normalise drug use and make it seem socially acceptable. Peter Stoker, director of National Drug Prevention Alliance, said: 'These sites are advertising the use of drugs as a good and fun activity because the people involved are disciples in the church of cocaine.
'They are not going to describe how dangerous drugs are or warn that 70 per cent of people who take cocaine will become addicted.'
Celebrity Finish Line Flash Quotes – London marathon 2008

Over 35,000 people started the 26.2 mile marathon run around London’s streets yesterday. The first person to cross the finish line with a time of 2hr 5mins and 15 secs was Martin Lel. Some celebs who made it round were:
James Cracknell (British Olympic rower)“I had a good race. It was a strong first half of the race for me. About six miles to go I felt I was slowing, so kicked to try and maintain my speed. In the end it just got harder and harder and I was struggling to make the finish.”
Tony Audenshaw (British actor who is best known for his role as Bob Hope in ITV 1’s soap, Emmerdale)“In one way I was disappointed that I didn’t break three hours – but what’s a second or so between friends. I was running as tarzan to keep the ‘banana army theme going’ and of course raising lots of money for our charity [leukaemia research]. Yes, I’ll be back next year if the old legs can keep running.”
Gordon Ramsay (Celebrity chef and television personality)“What a wonderful atmosphere! I was a little worried at the beginning because it was warm but when the showers came it was a nice relief. The whole 26 miles there were people shouting and cheering, it was so good to hear. My only concern was that Michel Roux would beat me. Having said that, I think I’m much younger than him and I have time on my side.”
Graham Poll (Former English football referee)“I knew running 26 miles was going to be tough but I didn’t realise it was going to be that tough! One of the things that kept me going was seeing people running for a charity or a loved one, that really spurs you on. Next year, not likely.
Ben Fogle (TV presenter)“Watching the marathon on TV you tend to get a little complacent, but crossing that line really was a big relief to me. I was running for the RNLI and I know there were lots of other people doing the same. I hope my little bit adds to this great charity and then I’ll know that my run was worthwhile.”
Ronan Keating (Pop Singer)“This was my first marathon and what a great feeling it was. Everything they told me about the atmosphere and the people on the streets was true. It is true that my training didn’t go any further than a couple of six milers – my wife will vouch for that.
When you run for a reason or a charity it makes it all worth while. I know the charity [Cancer Research UK] I was running for, me running here today will help enormously and I’ll be back.”
Chris Villiers / Nicola Wheeler (Emmerdale Actor / Actress)Nicola said “I didn’t enjoy running today but it was the first marathon I’ve done. I think next year with a lot more training I’ll be back to enjoy it more, as this time it was about getting through it.”
Chris said “I knew I could do 20 miles in about four hours and it was a great help running with Nicola as she carried me through the other six. In fact, working together all the way along helped us both through the difficult parts.”
Maasai Warriers“The atmosphere from the start all the way through to the end was absolutely fabulous. Hopefully we will get more money for our village and doing this marathon was such an enjoyable event for us all.”
Amanda Holden (TV Actress)“I enjoyed every second but when I got to 22 miles I found it really hard work. The crowd was amazing, shouting and banging and it really helped to keep me going. This is my first marathon but it won’t be my last. I’m absolutely knackered but I’m glad to do something for the Born Free Foundation.”
Blind Dave and escorted partner“We bloody well done it. We ran every single inch. I’m not sorry to say it’s over, but we’ve both worked damn hard. I would like to thank everyone that helped us; they made the job so much easier.”
In other news…
* ELIZABETH actress CATE BLANCHETT has given birth to her third child, Ignatius Martin Upton. Mother and child are well and Ignatius weighed in at just over eight pounds.
* PAMPERED Pete Doherty has been given a jail cell to himself and a bunk with TWO mattresses. Other inmates at West London’s Wormwood Scrubs are furious the star has been handed the extra bedding, a TV and a radio. Doherty, 29, is in the segregation wing with 16 high-risk lags, including paedophiles.
* A supermarket has been criticised for selling a padded plunge bra for seven-year-old girls. Tesco is selling a £4 "bust-booster" alongside vests for the seven to eight-year-old age range, it is reported. A fashion lecturer described the bra as "salacious".
* Jamie Oliver, the scourge of the processed meat snack, has been voted the most iconic British chef of all time. The 32-year-old made mincemeat of his competitors, roasting culinary queen Delia Smith into second and flambéing foul-mouthed Gordon Ramsay into third.
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