Here’s my BB9 housemate rundown - for those of you who sadly missed last night’s launch:
Alexandra [Islamic single mother who’s completely full of herself]
Dennis [flamboyant limelight hogging Scottish dancer]
Jennifer [single mother turned part-time model who’s far too opinionated]
Dale [this guy thinks the sum shines out of his own…he is quite fit though]
Kathreya [completely bonkers Thai lunatic, can’t seem to stop jumping up and down]
Darnell [albino songwriter]
Lisa [girlfriend of Mario – massive boobs]
Mario [steroid pumped boyfriend of Lisa]
Luke Marsden [suit wearing student from Wigan – now this boy’s a goon]
Rachel [trainee teacher with verbal diarrhoea]
Rebecca [I missed her entrance – I was in the loo]
Michael [first blind contestant, wacky dress sense, with a love of women’s clothing]
Stephanie [blonde fitty think Abby Clancy]
Mohamed [23 year old looks 43 minimum]
Sylvia [asylum seeker from Sierra Leone]
Rex [top chef in a London restaurant]
Gossip so far is that Mario and Steph have to pretend they’re the couple (as opposed to Mario and Lisa), Rachel hasn’t been to sleep yet and is planning to stay up for the first 48 hours in the house, and um…too much big brother? I think so…
“Surgeons left metal bar in my head”
Surgeons left a 4inch metal bar inside a teenagers head after an operation – and it was only discovered three months later.
The 18 year old, who’d been suffering from blinding headaches also had a bump on the side of his head, but he just couldn’t work it out.
Eventually, the boy demanded a scan, and the bar was found.
The hospital at fault have since apologised, saying it was an “unfortunate error.”
In other news…
* Wanna hear the new Coldplay album a week before it goes on release? Visit the boys myspace page this evening from 6pm and Vida La Vida is being stemmed live in all its glory. The CD goes on sale in shops next Thursday.
* The dancing dog act from Britain’s Got Talent is to tour schools and teach pupils how to train their pets. Kate, accompanied by precious dog Gin, are now charging £500 for a rendition of their BGT dance routine.
* Ozzy Osbourne wins his libel damages and an apology over Express newspapers claim that he threw the Brit awards into chaos and he had suffered a health scare.
* A bride-to-be is so scared of being sick whilst walking up the aisle on her wedding day – that she’s resorted to hypnosis. Emma Pelling suffers from emetophobia (the fear of vomiting), and has postponed her big day until she’s cured.
- Timberlake will “definitely” marry Biel?
- Teen Miley dating 22 year old dancer?
- Chanelle to release an album? Please no.
What's the worst that could happen...?
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