Doctors ban bargain booze

A binge-drinking "epidemic" fuelled by longer licensing hours and cheap alcohol is gripping the country, senior doctors said yesterday. In an unprecedented report into the state of the nation's drinking habits, the British Medical Association says 24-hour licensing laws have led to rising alcohol consumption and spiralling health-related problems. Dr Vivienne Nathanson, the BMA's head of science and ethics, called on the Government to implement a range of policies including higher taxes, a clampdown on sales of cheap drink and a ban on supermarket promotions such as two-for-one deals.
In other news…
· Amy Winehouse is said to have caused £3000 worth of damage in the hotel room she has been living in since leaving rehab nearly two weeks ago. Management finally went into the room while Amy was performing at the Brits on Wednesday and found booze spillages all over the wooden hallway, cigarette butts stubbed out all over the room, bottles of champagne and dirty underwear strewn all over the floor.
· Last night saw the launch party of Liverpool Fashion Week, which is set to run a week of shows from 10-15th March in the city’s top nightclubs. In celebration of Liverpool being European Capital of Culture 2008 the event has taken three years to get off the ground with plans to make it an annual event.
· Noel Fielding’s Hampstead Heath pad is up for sale, at an affordable price of £265,000. The two-bed maisonette requires some “updating” according to the representing estate agent, with the bedroom done out like a “padded cell with a manky duvet stapled to the wall,” the sliding door “covered in fluffy zebra fabric,” and the toilet “papered in porn.” Any takers?
· Facebook phenomenon falters as visitor numbers drop for the first time. The Facebook craze appears to be on the wane after the networking website suffered its first fall in users in the UK. The site was one of the internet success stories of 2007 and had signed up 8.9million users by December. But, after a year and a half of rising numbers, figures for January show that Facebook's following has declined by 400,000.
Gazza's first goal for England....
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