Not a week goes by without another Facebook exposé hitting the tabloids. People need to wake up, the papers have cottoned on to the website's potential.
Anyway, this Facebook page has been set up by staff to abuse 'the twats who pay 49p to call them'. One worker boasted of scrawling callers' numbers on the walls of public toilets. Nice. Another entry reads: 'Re-discover the phonebook, you lazy bastards.'
The revelation is set to have callers hanging up in their droves. It's enough to put me off, not that I'm too lazy to use a Yellow Pages.

Clearly he's realised that his career is in freefall and he wants in on a bit of Take That comeback action. He has repeatedly snubbed requests to join the others, but now that they're doing better than him for the first time since they split he is set to make a U turn.
Before all you die hard Take That fans get over-excited I must remind you that this is all paper talk and is probably based solely on wild speculation.
There are no direct quotes from any of them and the papers just report that that Mark Owen, Gary Barlow and Robbie met for dinner in LA and seemed happy to see each other. That said, you wouldn't put it past Robbie, he does love that limelight.
Chippie granny
Connie Brown will celebrate her 100th birthday today by frying up fish and chips in her shop as usual.
She has been working at the chippie since she and her late husband opened it in 1928 and she doesn't want to mark the milestone by taking a day off.
She said: 'I love my work. Why should I slacken because it's my 100th? I love the feel of the cod in my hands as I skin it and I still enjoy frying.'
She was awarded an MBE two years ago. What a legend.
In other news:
- Kerry Katona has thrown out her husband, ex-cabbie Mark Croft, over claims he twice cheated on her.
- Big Bro star Charley will have intensive anger management coaching to curb her temper and she may have a film crew with her to record the therapy. What a surprise. Nothing like cashing in on your bad qualities.
- Lindsay Lohan has asked a local photographer to chart Calum Best's every move. She added: 'Calum is me in male form. We're very similar - stubborn, rebellious, very smart, coy, a little bit narcissistic.' You can't fault her humility...
Clip of the day:
Funniest rap song ever by a rapper called Speak from Hungary.
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