More Max and Peaches I'm afraid. The pair had a blazing row at London bar Gramophone and then Max stormed out shouting 'I'm bored of all this.' Peaches was then seen cuddling up to a Max lookalike. Just divorce already.
My new best boyfriend
Poor Paris hasnt taken splitting up with beau Benji Madden very well. Apparently our second favourite President has taken to following him round LA in an attempt to win him back. She even tried to persuade her gaggle of witches to head down to club Villa when she heard he was there. Unfortunately the only wingman she could muster was Avril Lavigne who I doubt would have been much of a help. Not to menti0n the fact Benji scarpered the minute he heard Paris was on her way. Totally Paris Hilton, anyone?
And finally ...
The marriage we all thought would last forever is reportedly over after 96 days. Apparently Peaches has decided she doesnt fancy him anymore and is to return to the UK shortly to begin divorce proceedings. Bob is said to be delighted.
And finally...
And finally...
Britney's latest court case for driving without a licence has been dismissed but despite escaping six months in jail she's still feeling low. When asked by her lawyer to take the stand at the trial she said 'I can't face all those people. I don't want to deal with all the people.' These words come as Brit is on the brink of a new album and a world tour and don't bode well for her rumoured plans to fight for custody of her sons. She does, however, have her 27th birthday party to look forward to which will coincide with a live gig broadcast on TV. She said 'it'll be the biggest birthday bash to ever hit morning TV' but it's still her party and she'll cry if she wants to.
Ever seen an incredibly long dog? You have now...
Worlds Smallest Man in London...whoo!
Ping Ping, the Worlds smallest man is visiting London which is worlds away from his home in Mongolia. 29 inch Ping Ping has been making the most of his time here by having his own mini suit made at Saville Row, then meeting the woman with the longest legs in the World, although trying to make a call from an iconic call box was less successful. His favourite part of the day was having his picture taken with a guard at Buckingham Palace. What's next? A visit to Stringfellow's perhaps?
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